Los espacios públicos y la integración social en los distritos de la ciudad de Trujillo - 2019 Thesis Public Management Program ABSTRACT The present qualitative research identifies the phenomenon of accessibility originated by the spaces of public domain destined to the use of public recreation. The study defines in depth the public spaces and their effect within the social integration, the aprioristic and emergent components of each one of them within a baseline model that has as study scenario the Trujillo territory. In the development of the research, a technical observation format was designed to model georeferencing data in the study scenario and describe the components of infrastructure and access to green space. Likewise, accessibility was projected as a public service that through the modeling of isochrones and the application of Thiessen polygons or Voronoi diagram resulted in a reading of inequality within the urban structure caused by the social, economic and environmental forces that make up the public sphere, which converge in public spaces in the dynamics of urban metabolism as a democratic expression. On the other hand, these results were contrasted with focused in-depth interviews, applied to active participants in the sectors of urban planning, mobility and social work, allowing to focus on the anomie of the set of societies and the historical debt from the public action in terms of spaces for integration. Finally, this scientific research allows structuring a practical proposal in the modeling of a predictive scenario based on the qualitative prospective model, which projects the articulation and social integration through the components of sustainable urban mobility, also formulated a proven methodological proposal based on improving the process of technical and normative legitimization that promotes public action within subnational governments. Key words: Sustainable urban development, public spaces, social integration, public action, governance and territory. Repository Links: RENATI Respositorio Digital Institucional
VISIÓN TRUJILLO 2021: Una prospectiva del desarrollo urbano a través del transporte público - 2016 Artículo Habitat III ABSTRACT This article describes the experience and participation of Estudios Axial from 2012 to the present, in the field of urban mobility and its influence on the territorial development of the city of Trujillo. During this time, we have provided advice, consultancy and formulation of technical and regulatory instruments to public and private institutions, where highly relevant projects have been developed for the projection and development of a public transport system more efficient in operation and effective for the user, seeking the construction of social fabric, the adoption of management tools and institutional strengthening based on the objectives of sustainable development. The Trujillo Vision 2021 is the set of research, technical analysis and plans that strategically provide a prospective that covers the so-called decade of transformation (2011 - 2021), where the experiences that have evolved the Trujillo society in terms of territorial planning and urban mobility, before reaching sustainability as a city, assuming its role in the Bicentennial of Peru, are exposed. Keywords: Sustainable development, mobility, public transport, urban planning, urban dynamics. Repository Links: CENCA
Practical Action
Trujillo: La ciudad de la Eterna Primavera - 2020 La ciudad en cuarentena - Selección de relatos Institutos de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile ABSTRACT Compiled by the editorial team of the Instituto de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales UC. The purpose of this contest was to summon a personal reflection as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Through stories in one hundred words, were represented various experiences, experiences and feelings caused by confinement, forced confinement, physical distance and the absence of daily encounters in public space. Repository link: IEUT
© 2024 Magdiel Torres Vanegas. All Rights Reserved.
Los espacios públicos y la integración social en los distritos de la ciudad de Trujillo - 2019 Thesis Public Management Program ABSTRACT The present qualitative research identifies the phenomenon of accessibility originated by the spaces of public domain destined to the use of public recreation. The study defines in depth the public spaces and their effect within the social integration, the aprioristic and emergent components of each one of them within a baseline model that has as study scenario the Trujillo territory. In the development of the research, a technical observation format was designed to model georeferencing data in the study scenario and describe the components of infrastructure and access to green space. Likewise, accessibility was projected as a public service that through the modeling of isochrones and the application of Thiessen polygons or Voronoi diagram resulted in a reading of inequality within the urban structure caused by the social, economic and environmental forces that make up the public sphere, which converge in public spaces in the dynamics of urban metabolism as a democratic expression. On the other hand, these results were contrasted with focused in-depth interviews, applied to active participants in the sectors of urban planning, mobility and social work, allowing to focus on the anomie of the set of societies and the historical debt from the public action in terms of spaces for integration. Finally, this scientific research allows structuring a practical proposal in the modeling of a predictive scenario based on the qualitative prospective model, which projects the articulation and social integration through the components of sustainable urban mobility, also formulated a proven methodological proposal based on improving the process of technical and normative legitimization that promotes public action within subnational governments. Key words: Sustainable urban development, public spaces, social integration, public action, governance and territory. Repository Links:
RENATI Respositorio Digital Institucional
VISIÓN TRUJILLO 2021: Una prospectiva del desarrollo urbano a través del transporte público - 2016 Artículo Habitat III ABSTRACT This article describes the experience and participation of Estudios Axial from 2012 to the present, in the field of urban mobility and its influence on the territorial development of the city of Trujillo. During this time, we have provided advice, consultancy and formulation of technical and regulatory instruments to public and private institutions, where highly relevant projects have been developed for the projection and development of a public transport system more efficient in operation and effective for the user, seeking the construction of social fabric, the adoption of management tools and institutional strengthening based on the objectives of sustainable development. The Trujillo Vision 2021 is the set of research, technical analysis and plans that strategically provide a prospective that covers the so-called decade of transformation (2011 - 2021), where the experiences that have evolved the Trujillo society in terms of territorial planning and urban mobility, before reaching sustainability as a city, assuming its role in the Bicentennial of Peru, are exposed. Keywords: Sustainable development, mobility, public transport, urban planning, urban dynamics. Repository Links:
CENCA Practical Action
Trujillo: La ciudad de la Eterna Primavera - 2020 La ciudad en cuarentena - Selección de relatos Institutos de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile ABSTRACT Compiled by the editorial team of the Instituto de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales UC. The purpose of this contest was to summon a personal reflection as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Through stories in one hundred words, were represented various experiences, experiences and feelings caused by confinement, forced confinement, physical distance and the absence of daily encounters in public space. Repository link: IEUT
© 2024 Magdiel Torres Vanegas. All Rights Reserved.
Los espacios públicos y la integración social en los distritos de la ciudad de Trujillo - 2019 Thesis Public Management Program ABSTRACT The present qualitative research identifies the phenomenon of accessibility originated by the spaces of public domain destined to the use of public recreation. The study defines in depth the public spaces and their effect within the social integration, the aprioristic and emergent components of each one of them within a baseline model that has as study scenario the Trujillo territory. In the development of the research, a technical observation format was designed to model georeferencing data in the study scenario and describe the components of infrastructure and access to green space. Likewise, accessibility was projected as a public service that through the modeling of isochrones and the application of Thiessen polygons or Voronoi diagram resulted in a reading of inequality within the urban structure caused by the social, economic and environmental forces that make up the public sphere, which converge in public spaces in the dynamics of urban metabolism as a democratic expression. On the other hand, these results were contrasted with focused in-depth interviews, applied to active participants in the sectors of urban planning, mobility and social work, allowing to focus on the anomie of the set of societies and the historical debt from the public action in terms of spaces for integration. Finally, this scientific research allows structuring a practical proposal in the modeling of a predictive scenario based on the qualitative prospective model, which projects the articulation and social integration through the components of sustainable urban mobility, also formulated a proven methodological proposal based on improving the process of technical and normative legitimization that promotes public action within subnational governments. Key words: Sustainable urban development, public spaces, social integration, public action, governance and territory. Repository Links:
RENATI Respositorio Digital Institucional
VISIÓN TRUJILLO 2021: Una prospectiva del desarrollo urbano a través del transporte público - 2016 Artículo Habitat III ABSTRACT This article describes the experience and participation of Estudios Axial from 2012 to the present, in the field of urban mobility and its influence on the territorial development of the city of Trujillo. During this time, we have provided advice, consultancy and formulation of technical and regulatory instruments to public and private institutions, where highly relevant projects have been developed for the projection and development of a public transport system more efficient in operation and effective for the user, seeking the construction of social fabric, the adoption of management tools and institutional strengthening based on the objectives of sustainable development. The Trujillo Vision 2021 is the set of research, technical analysis and plans that strategically provide a prospective that covers the so-called decade of transformation (2011 - 2021), where the experiences that have evolved the Trujillo society in terms of territorial planning and urban mobility, before reaching sustainability as a city, assuming its role in the Bicentennial of Peru, are exposed. Keywords: Sustainable development, mobility, public transport, urban planning, urban dynamics. Repository Links:
CENCA Practical Action
Trujillo: La ciudad de la Eterna Primavera - 2020 La ciudad en cuarentena - Selección de relatos Institutos de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile ABSTRACT Compiled by the editorial team of the Instituto de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales UC. The purpose of this contest was to summon a personal reflection as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Through stories in one hundred words, were represented various experiences, experiences and feelings caused by confinement, forced confinement, physical distance and the absence of daily encounters in public space. Repository link: IEUT
Los espacios públicos y la integración social en los distritos de la ciudad de Trujillo - 2019 Thesis Public Management Program ABSTRACT The present qualitative research identifies the phenomenon of accessibility originated by the spaces of public domain destined to the use of public recreation. The study defines in depth the public spaces and their effect within the social integration, the aprioristic and emergent components of each one of them within a baseline model that has as study scenario the Trujillo territory. In the development of the research, a technical observation format was designed to model georeferencing data in the study scenario and describe the components of infrastructure and access to green space. Likewise, accessibility was projected as a public service that through the modeling of isochrones and the application of Thiessen polygons or Voronoi diagram resulted in a reading of inequality within the urban structure caused by the social, economic and environmental forces that make up the public sphere, which converge in public spaces in the dynamics of urban metabolism as a democratic expression. On the other hand, these results were contrasted with focused in-depth interviews, applied to active participants in the sectors of urban planning, mobility and social work, allowing to focus on the anomie of the set of societies and the historical debt from the public action in terms of spaces for integration. Finally, this scientific research allows structuring a practical proposal in the modeling of a predictive scenario based on the qualitative prospective model, which projects the articulation and social integration through the components of sustainable urban mobility, also formulated a proven methodological proposal based on improving the process of technical and normative legitimization that promotes public action within subnational governments. Key words: Sustainable urban development, public spaces, social integration, public action, governance and territory. Repository Links:
RENATI Respositorio Digital Institucional
VISIÓN TRUJILLO 2021: Una prospectiva del desarrollo urbano a través del transporte público - 2016 Artículo Habitat III ABSTRACT This article describes the experience and participation of Estudios Axial from 2012 to the present, in the field of urban mobility and its influence on the territorial development of the city of Trujillo. During this time, we have provided advice, consultancy and formulation of technical and regulatory instruments to public and private institutions, where highly relevant projects have been developed for the projection and development of a public transport system more efficient in operation and effective for the user, seeking the construction of social fabric, the adoption of management tools and institutional strengthening based on the objectives of sustainable development. The Trujillo Vision 2021 is the set of research, technical analysis and plans that strategically provide a prospective that covers the so-called decade of transformation (2011 - 2021), where the experiences that have evolved the Trujillo society in terms of territorial planning and urban mobility, before reaching sustainability as a city, assuming its role in the Bicentennial of Peru, are exposed. Keywords: Sustainable development, mobility, public transport, urban planning, urban dynamics. Repository Links:
CENCA Practical Action
Trujillo: La ciudad de la Eterna Primavera - 2020 La ciudad en cuarentena - Selección de relatos Institutos de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile ABSTRACT Compiled by the editorial team of the Instituto de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales UC. The purpose of this contest was to summon a personal reflection as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Through stories in one hundred words, were represented various experiences, experiences and feelings caused by confinement, forced confinement, physical distance and the absence of daily encounters in public space. Repository link: IEUT
© 2024 Magdiel Torres Vanegas. All Rights Reserved.
Los espacios públicos y la integración social en los distritos de la ciudad de Trujillo - 2019 Thesis Public Management Program ABSTRACT The present qualitative research identifies the phenomenon of accessibility originated by the spaces of public domain destined to the use of public recreation. The study defines in depth the public spaces and their effect within the social integration, the aprioristic and emergent components of each one of them within a baseline model that has as study scenario the Trujillo territory. In the development of the research, a technical observation format was designed to model georeferencing data in the study scenario and describe the components of infrastructure and access to green space. Likewise, accessibility was projected as a public service that through the modeling of isochrones and the application of Thiessen polygons or Voronoi diagram resulted in a reading of inequality within the urban structure caused by the social, economic and environmental forces that make up the public sphere, which converge in public spaces in the dynamics of urban metabolism as a democratic expression. On the other hand, these results were contrasted with focused in-depth interviews, applied to active participants in the sectors of urban planning, mobility and social work, allowing to focus on the anomie of the set of societies and the historical debt from the public action in terms of spaces for integration. Finally, this scientific research allows structuring a practical proposal in the modeling of a predictive scenario based on the qualitative prospective model, which projects the articulation and social integration through the components of sustainable urban mobility, also formulated a proven methodological proposal based on improving the process of technical and normative legitimization that promotes public action within subnational governments. Key words: Sustainable urban development, public spaces, social integration, public action, governance and territory. Repository Links:
RENATI Respositorio Digital Institucional
VISIÓN TRUJILLO 2021: Una prospectiva del desarrollo urbano a través del transporte público - 2016 Artículo Habitat III ABSTRACT This article describes the experience and participation of Estudios Axial from 2012 to the present, in the field of urban mobility and its influence on the territorial development of the city of Trujillo. During this time, we have provided advice, consultancy and formulation of technical and regulatory instruments to public and private institutions, where highly relevant projects have been developed for the projection and development of a public transport system more efficient in operation and effective for the user, seeking the construction of social fabric, the adoption of management tools and institutional strengthening based on the objectives of sustainable development. The Trujillo Vision 2021 is the set of research, technical analysis and plans that strategically provide a prospective that covers the so-called decade of transformation (2011 - 2021), where the experiences that have evolved the Trujillo society in terms of territorial planning and urban mobility, before reaching sustainability as a city, assuming its role in the Bicentennial of Peru, are exposed. Keywords: Sustainable development, mobility, public transport, urban planning, urban dynamics. Repository Links:
CENCA Practical Action
Trujillo: La ciudad de la Eterna Primavera - 2020 La ciudad en cuarentena - Selección de relatos Institutos de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile ABSTRACT Compiled by the editorial team of the Instituto de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales UC. The purpose of this contest was to summon a personal reflection as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Through stories in one hundred words, were represented various experiences, experiences and feelings caused by confinement, forced confinement, physical distance and the absence of daily encounters in public space. Repository link: IEUT
© 2024 Magdiel Torres Vanegas. All Rights Reserved.
Los espacios públicos y la integración social en los distritos de la ciudad de Trujillo - 2019 Thesis Public Management Program ABSTRACT The present qualitative research identifies the phenomenon of accessibility originated by the spaces of public domain destined to the use of public recreation. The study defines in depth the public spaces and their effect within the social integration, the aprioristic and emergent components of each one of them within a baseline model that has as study scenario the Trujillo territory. In the development of the research, a technical observation format was designed to model georeferencing data in the study scenario and describe the components of infrastructure and access to green space. Likewise, accessibility was projected as a public service that through the modeling of isochrones and the application of Thiessen polygons or Voronoi diagram resulted in a reading of inequality within the urban structure caused by the social, economic and environmental forces that make up the public sphere, which converge in public spaces in the dynamics of urban metabolism as a democratic expression. On the other hand, these results were contrasted with focused in-depth interviews, applied to active participants in the sectors of urban planning, mobility and social work, allowing to focus on the anomie of the set of societies and the historical debt from the public action in terms of spaces for integration. Finally, this scientific research allows structuring a practical proposal in the modeling of a predictive scenario based on the qualitative prospective model, which projects the articulation and social integration through the components of sustainable urban mobility, also formulated a proven methodological proposal based on improving the process of technical and normative legitimization that promotes public action within subnational governments. Key words: Sustainable urban development, public spaces, social integration, public action, governance and territory. Repository Links:
RENATI Respositorio Digital Institucional
VISIÓN TRUJILLO 2021: Una prospectiva del desarrollo urbano a través del transporte público - 2016 Artículo Habitat III ABSTRACT This article describes the experience and participation of Estudios Axial from 2012 to the present, in the field of urban mobility and its influence on the territorial development of the city of Trujillo. During this time, we have provided advice, consultancy and formulation of technical and regulatory instruments to public and private institutions, where highly relevant projects have been developed for the projection and development of a public transport system more efficient in operation and effective for the user, seeking the construction of social fabric, the adoption of management tools and institutional strengthening based on the objectives of sustainable development. The Trujillo Vision 2021 is the set of research, technical analysis and plans that strategically provide a prospective that covers the so-called decade of transformation (2011 - 2021), where the experiences that have evolved the Trujillo society in terms of territorial planning and urban mobility, before reaching sustainability as a city, assuming its role in the Bicentennial of Peru, are exposed. Keywords: Sustainable development, mobility, public transport, urban planning, urban dynamics. Repository Links:
CENCA Practical Action
Trujillo: La ciudad de la Eterna Primavera - 2020 La ciudad en cuarentena - Selección de relatos Institutos de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile ABSTRACT Compiled by the editorial team of the Instituto de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales UC. The purpose of this contest was to summon a personal reflection as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Through stories in one hundred words, were represented various experiences, experiences and feelings caused by confinement, forced confinement, physical distance and the absence of daily encounters in public space. Repository link: IEUT
Los espacios públicos y la integración social en los distritos de la ciudad de Trujillo - 2019 Thesis Public Management Program ABSTRACT The present qualitative research identifies the phenomenon of accessibility originated by the spaces of public domain destined to the use of public recreation. The study defines in depth the public spaces and their effect within the social integration, the aprioristic and emergent components of each one of them within a baseline model that has as study scenario the Trujillo territory. In the development of the research, a technical observation format was designed to model georeferencing data in the study scenario and describe the components of infrastructure and access to green space. Likewise, accessibility was projected as a public service that through the modeling of isochrones and the application of Thiessen polygons or Voronoi diagram resulted in a reading of inequality within the urban structure caused by the social, economic and environmental forces that make up the public sphere, which converge in public spaces in the dynamics of urban metabolism as a democratic expression. On the other hand, these results were contrasted with focused in-depth interviews, applied to active participants in the sectors of urban planning, mobility and social work, allowing to focus on the anomie of the set of societies and the historical debt from the public action in terms of spaces for integration. Finally, this scientific research allows structuring a practical proposal in the modeling of a predictive scenario based on the qualitative prospective model, which projects the articulation and social integration through the components of sustainable urban mobility, also formulated a proven methodological proposal based on improving the process of technical and normative legitimization that promotes public action within subnational governments. Key words: Sustainable urban development, public spaces, social integration, public action, governance and territory. Repository Links:
RENATI Respositorio Digital Institucional
VISIÓN TRUJILLO 2021: Una prospectiva del desarrollo urbano a través del transporte público - 2016 Artículo Habitat III ABSTRACT This article describes the experience and participation of Estudios Axial from 2012 to the present, in the field of urban mobility and its influence on the territorial development of the city of Trujillo. During this time, we have provided advice, consultancy and formulation of technical and regulatory instruments to public and private institutions, where highly relevant projects have been developed for the projection and development of a public transport system more efficient in operation and effective for the user, seeking the construction of social fabric, the adoption of management tools and institutional strengthening based on the objectives of sustainable development. The Trujillo Vision 2021 is the set of research, technical analysis and plans that strategically provide a prospective that covers the so-called decade of transformation (2011 - 2021), where the experiences that have evolved the Trujillo society in terms of territorial planning and urban mobility, before reaching sustainability as a city, assuming its role in the Bicentennial of Peru, are exposed. Keywords: Sustainable development, mobility, public transport, urban planning, urban dynamics. Repository Links:
CENCA Practical Action
Trujillo: La ciudad de la Eterna Primavera - 2020 La ciudad en cuarentena - Selección de relatos Institutos de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile ABSTRACT Compiled by the editorial team of the Instituto de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales UC. The purpose of this contest was to summon a personal reflection as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Through stories in one hundred words, were represented various experiences, experiences and feelings caused by confinement, forced confinement, physical distance and the absence of daily encounters in public space. Repository link: IEUT
© 2024 Magdiel Torres Vanegas. All Rights Reserved.
Los espacios públicos y la integración social en los distritos de la ciudad de Trujillo - 2019 Thesis Public Management Program ABSTRACT The present qualitative research identifies the phenomenon of accessibility originated by the spaces of public domain destined to the use of public recreation. The study defines in depth the public spaces and their effect within the social integration, the aprioristic and emergent components of each one of them within a baseline model that has as study scenario the Trujillo territory. In the development of the research, a technical observation format was designed to model georeferencing data in the study scenario and describe the components of infrastructure and access to green space. Likewise, accessibility was projected as a public service that through the modeling of isochrones and the application of Thiessen polygons or Voronoi diagram resulted in a reading of inequality within the urban structure caused by the social, economic and environmental forces that make up the public sphere, which converge in public spaces in the dynamics of urban metabolism as a democratic expression. On the other hand, these results were contrasted with focused in-depth interviews, applied to active participants in the sectors of urban planning, mobility and social work, allowing to focus on the anomie of the set of societies and the historical debt from the public action in terms of spaces for integration. Finally, this scientific research allows structuring a practical proposal in the modeling of a predictive scenario based on the qualitative prospective model, which projects the articulation and social integration through the components of sustainable urban mobility, also formulated a proven methodological proposal based on improving the process of technical and normative legitimization that promotes public action within subnational governments. Key words: Sustainable urban development, public spaces, social integration, public action, governance and territory. Repository Links: RENATI Respositorio Digital Institucional
VISIÓN TRUJILLO 2021: Una prospectiva del desarrollo urbano a través del transporte público - 2016 Artículo Habitat III
ABSTRACT This article describes the experience and participation of Estudios Axial from 2012 to the present, in the field of urban mobility and its influence on the territorial development of the city of Trujillo. During this time, we have provided advice, consultancy and formulation of technical and regulatory instruments to public and private institutions, where highly relevant projects have been developed for the projection and development of a public transport system more efficient in operation and effective for the user, seeking the construction of social fabric, the adoption of management tools and institutional strengthening based on the objectives of sustainable development. The Trujillo Vision 2021 is the set of research, technical analysis and plans that strategically provide a prospective that covers the so-called decade of transformation (2011 - 2021), where the experiences that have evolved the Trujillo society in terms of territorial planning and urban mobility, before reaching sustainability as a city, assuming its role in the Bicentennial of Peru, are exposed. Keywords: Sustainable development, mobility, public transport, urban planning, urban dynamics. Repository Links: Practical Action CENCA
Trujillo: La ciudad de la Eterna Primavera - 2020 La ciudad en cuarentena - Selección de relatos Institutos de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile ABSTRACT Compiled by the editorial team of the Instituto de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales UC. The purpose of this contest was to summon a personal reflection as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Through stories in one hundred words, were represented various experiences, experiences and feelings caused by confinement, forced confinement, physical distance and the absence of daily encounters in public space. Repository link: IEUT
Los espacios públicos y la integración social en los distritos de la ciudad de Trujillo - 2019 Thesis Public Management Program ABSTRACT The present qualitative research identifies the phenomenon of accessibility originated by the spaces of public domain destined to the use of public recreation. The study defines in depth the public spaces and their effect within the social integration, the aprioristic and emergent components of each one of them within a baseline model that has as study scenario the Trujillo territory. In the development of the research, a technical observation format was designed to model georeferencing data in the study scenario and describe the components of infrastructure and access to green space. Likewise, accessibility was projected as a public service that through the modeling of isochrones and the application of Thiessen polygons or Voronoi diagram resulted in a reading of inequality within the urban structure caused by the social, economic and environmental forces that make up the public sphere, which converge in public spaces in the dynamics of urban metabolism as a democratic expression. On the other hand, these results were contrasted with focused in-depth interviews, applied to active participants in the sectors of urban planning, mobility and social work, allowing to focus on the anomie of the set of societies and the historical debt from the public action in terms of spaces for integration. Finally, this scientific research allows structuring a practical proposal in the modeling of a predictive scenario based on the qualitative prospective model, which projects the articulation and social integration through the components of sustainable urban mobility, also formulated a proven methodological proposal based on improving the process of technical and normative legitimization that promotes public action within subnational governments. Key words: Sustainable urban development, public spaces, social integration, public action, governance and territory. Repository Links: RENATI Respositorio Digital Institucional
VISIÓN TRUJILLO 2021: Una prospectiva del desarrollo urbano a través del transporte público - 2016 Artículo Habitat III ABSTRACT This article describes the experience and participation of Estudios Axial from 2012 to the present, in the field of urban mobility and its influence on the territorial development of the city of Trujillo. During this time, we have provided advice, consultancy and formulation of technical and regulatory instruments to public and private institutions, where highly relevant projects have been developed for the projection and development of a public transport system more efficient in operation and effective for the user, seeking the construction of social fabric, the adoption of management tools and institutional strengthening based on the objectives of sustainable development. The Trujillo Vision 2021 is the set of research, technical analysis and plans that strategically provide a prospective that covers the so-called decade of transformation (2011 - 2021), where the experiences that have evolved the Trujillo society in terms of territorial planning and urban mobility, before reaching sustainability as a city, assuming its role in the Bicentennial of Peru, are exposed. Keywords: Sustainable development, mobility, public transport, urban planning, urban dynamics. Repository Links:
CENCA Practical Action
Trujillo: La ciudad de la Eterna Primavera - 2020 La ciudad en cuarentena - Selección de relatos Institutos de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile ABSTRACT Compiled by the editorial team of the Instituto de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales UC. The purpose of this contest was to summon a personal reflection as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Through stories in one hundred words, were represented various experiences, experiences and feelings caused by confinement, forced confinement, physical distance and the absence of daily encounters in public space. Repository link: IEUT
© 2024 Magdiel Torres Vanegas. All Rights Reserved.